All on X Implants

All on X Implants, the fast, long-lasting, and hassle-free way to rebuild signature smiles

True to our name, Signature Smiles Dental celebrates the uniquely distinctive aspects of each of our patient’s smiles. We also provide an approach to care that favorably distinguishes us from other dental practices in Riverside, California, and the Inland Empire. 

When patients team up with our dentists, Dr. Geomel Brian Bebing and Dr. Harun Ayouby, they have partners for life. Our entire team is dedicated to prevent patients from acquiring tooth decay or periodontal disease. Should teeth be too far gone to be preserved with root canal therapy or other interventions, we recommend prompt tooth replacement. 

All on X implants

For some patients, the All on X implants system may be appropriate. These patients are either actively missing or will need extractions to all teeth in the upper and lower jaws or arches. 

All on X refers to how all teeth in the upper or lower arch can be replaced using just four dental implants. Dental implants are cylindrical-shaped posts. They are made from biocompatible titanium or ceramic. “Biocompatible” means that they are designed to safely and naturally fuse or join the surrounding, supporting bone in the jaw as part of the healing process. 

Each implant is positioned strategically in the jawbone to minimize trauma to the mouth and contain costs associated with dental implants (the implant itself is the most expensive part of treatment). That means the implants are placed to support a maximum number of replacement teeth in a healthy and lasting manner. It is unnecessary to fix a single implant to support every new tooth among those with significant tooth loss!

Are you a candidate for tooth replacement with All on X implants?

The process starts as it does with all of the treatments or procedures at our practice – with an examination and consultation. Many patients are great candidates for this system, partly because it is a “graft-less” procedure. Even those with bone loss can benefit from how these implants are designed and positioned. 

Since their teeth are rooted in the jawbone, all implant patients appreciate that they get the most lifelike feel, appearance, and function from their replacement teeth. These implant-supported teeth are also designed to last. Simply treat them like your natural and healthy teeth with proper care at home and routine cleanings and exams at our practice. Good oral hygiene prevents threats to the implants, such as peri-implantitis, which is a gum disease-like inflammation around the implant. 

We look forward to meeting you! Contact us today at (951) 777-2805 to schedule your appointment. 

All on X Implants

Video Transcript

Complete yourself with the All on X treatment concept, the dental implant solution to make you smile. This is Kristie – like many of us she likes good food. Unfortunately Kristy has been suffering from bad teeth since an early age. Several of them are decayed or have even fallen out. Kristy is embarrassed to leave the house. But what’s worse, she is frequently in pain. Her son Marcus has said that his mother has lost her smile and is feeling incomplete. When Kristy meets her good friend Karen, who knows about her suffering, Karen has great news for her, From her dentist she has heard about the All on X Dental implant solution. Marcus immediately looks it up on the internet and takes his mother to see a dentist for consultation. The dentist tells Kristy that the All on X treatment concept is an implant solution that can return a lost simile of the same day of implant placement. With just 4 implants, an entire of teeth can be delivered, and as the implants at the back of mouth are placed at an angle, even patients like Kristy who have little jawbone left after years of missing teeth will be able to benefit from the treatment,. This means Kristy can have her implants fitted by her dentist and walk out with provisional teeth on the day of implant placement, allowing her to finally enjoy a normal life. After the implants have healed in, her dentist will replace the temporary teeth with a set fixed teeth, that with careful oral hygiene, can keep ,her smiling year after year after year. A result of decades of research and the latest technology. Kristy finally has more than one reason to smile. Her new teeth feel great and ready to complete her, but whets more, the pain is gone. She’s finally enjoying her favorite foods and Marcus is happy to see his mother smiling with confidence again. If you are struggling with the same problems as Kristy, speak to your dentist and find out if you too can complete yourself with the All on X treatment concept.

Actual Patient Results
