Contouring procedures restore the gums that play such a vital role in the health and appearance of your smile
Healthy gums are pink, smooth, firm, and hold tight against the teeth even when brushed or probed. However, your smile can become more “toothy” in appearance due to gum recession. As the gums pull back or recede from the teeth, more tooth structure is visible. That gives your smile that “long in the tooth” appearance. Likewise, some patients have gummy smiles due to an overgrowth of this tooth-framing, supportive tissue. Fortunately, at Signature Smiles Dental in Riverside, California, we can restore the health and appearance of your smile with gum contouring or reshaping procedures.
Contouring procedures restore the Options for gum health
After evaluating your gums, our dentists, Drs Geomel Brian Bebing or Harun Ayouby, will determine the best techniques and treatments to a.) restore the health of your gums and b.) achieve the attractive appearance and proportions that you desire. Gum recession, for instance, has implications for both your oral and overall health. The gums can pull away so much that the roots of the teeth are exposed. Root exposure makes your tooth vulnerable to infections. Other complications include advanced periodontitis (gum disease) and bone loss.
We can use lasers to alter gum tissue in many different ways; for instance, if gum disease is present, our dentist may eradicate harmful bacteria with laser technology and in a non-invasive and gentle way. Traditional deep cleaning methods and periodontal therapies have involved cutting instruments and are generally more invasive. Light-based technologies can also be used to precisely reshape high or recessed gums. Additionally, treated tissues may be sealed and sterilized during the laser contouring procedure.
Specific to patients who have overly “gummy” smiles, lasers offer a light-touch way to remove or alter tissues that can overwhelm the teeth and that may stick out too prominently in the smile. Our non-invasive approaches to lifting or otherwise manipulating soft tissues are also associated with:
- Minimal risks of complications, such as infection
- Fewer side effects, including inflammation and discomfort
- Speedy healing
Comfort is of utmost importance as we go about elevating the health and look of your gums. You are more likely to return for follow-up visits and necessary preventive care when the experience at our practice is pleasant. Specific techniques depend partly on determining the true nature of concerns that may, at first blush, appear to be strictly cosmetic. We must confirm the health of your teeth and gums before moving forward with any treatment that falls under the “cosmetic” or “elective” category. To start the process, schedule a consultation at our office by calling Signature Smiles Dental at (951) 777-2805.
Actual Patient Results
- Before
- After
- Before
- After
- Before
- After