Porcelain Veneers

Makeover gapped, chipped, and otherwise less-than-perfect teeth with porcelain veneers that look natural

At Signature Smiles Dental in Riverside, California, we often hear from patients who want to change something about their smile, be it a gap between their front teeth that is no longer “cute” or chips that detract from the overall beauty of their smile. These patients generally have healthy teeth and gums; they are just looking to boost their smile appeal and confidence. Our dentists, Drs Geomel Brian Bebing and Harun Ayouby, are skilled at designing and placing one of the most “technique-specific” treatments available to modern dentists: porcelain veneers. In other words, the outcomes that patients enjoy from their veneers are directly related to the dentist’s skill, who is responsible for planning them.

Veneers, in a nutshell

Veneers are thin shells of quality dental porcelain. This tooth material, widely known for its ability to mimic the appearance and strength of natural enamel, is placed on the front surfaces of the teeth. In this manner, cosmetic imperfections are disguised. In addition to covering up small spaces between teeth or chips, veneers may be used to remove the following unwanted features from our patients’ smiles:

  • Very stained or discVery stained or discolored teeth that do not respond well to professional bleaching gels
  • Worn teeth, which are shorter than neighboring teeth
  • Poorly shaped teeth
  • Other surface irregularities, including minor cracks

The veneers’ treatment process is essentially the same, regardless of adding “height” to a short tooth or closing gaps between the teeth.

First, the natural tooth is “prepared.” That involves removing a small amount of tooth enamel. There is now sufficient room to place the veneer on top of the tooth in a way that looks and feels natural.

Then, the veneers themselves are “prepared.” We collect as much information about your mouth as possible. Impressions are taken of the prepared teeth that are to be treated. These “models” are later used to make the veneers.

Once the veneers are made, they are placed on the teeth. Before bonding or securing them to the natural teeth, adjustments are made as needed. Once bonded, the veneers are designed to seamlessly blend in with the surrounding teeth. They can also last for many years with good oral hygiene at home and professional services at our practice. Patients also appreciate that porcelain resists stains, unlike other materials and alternative procedures, such as dental bonding with composite resin! Your smile retains its lovely vibrancy.

Are you a candidate for porcelain veneers? Find out! Please schedule an appointment at our practice in Riverside by calling us at (951) 777-2805 today.


Video Transcript

Veneers are thin handcrafted porcelain shields worn on the front of the tooth which improve the appearance of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained or worn. Veneers are thin as contact lenses, and are an aesthetically pleasing option of closing gaps, lengthening teeth, and providing symmetry to make your smile more natural. Veneers are intended to last for many years without changing color. They are one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in dentistry. Ask your dentist if veneers may be right for you.

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