
Transform Your Smile with Dental Implants

If you are experiencing tooth loss, dental implants are a permanent option that looks and feels like natural teeth. Missing teeth impact the appearance of your smile and lead to worsening oral health problems. With dental implants, you can improve your oral health while also being able to smile with confidence again. At Signature Smile Dental in Riverside, California, we have years of experience restoring patients’ smiles with long-lasting teeth implants. Below, we’re sharing some important information on the benefits and costs of dental implants.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an ideal solution to replace missing or damaged teeth. The titanium posts are surgically placed in the jawbone to act as a replacement for the missing root. As the area heals, the bone fuses around the implant to create the stability needed to support the dental prosthetic, whether a crown, bridge, or denture.

Dental implants can be used for individuals missing a tooth or support an entire arch of replacement teeth with the All on X method. With All on X implants, the dentist will strategically place four implants in the upper or lower arch to anchor the prosthetic.

Who are Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants?

Individuals who are missing any number of teeth can be good candidates for dental implants, provided that their jawbone is healthy enough to support the implants. In some cases, preparatory treatments such as bone and soft tissue grafting may be needed before implant treatment.

Understanding the Costs of Dental Implants

The cost of dental implants can vary significantly based on how many teeth are missing and what type of restoration is needed. Dental implants are often more expensive upfront compared to other treatments, but they are an investment designed to last for decades. Over a lifetime, dental implants are often more cost-effective than alternatives.

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New Patients: (951) 450-0258 | Existing Patients: (951) 777-2805
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Maintaining Your Dental Implants

After investing in your newly transformed smile with dental implants, you’ll want to take steps to care for them properly. To help your dental implants last, make sure you brush twice each day while reaching all sides of the implant. While dental implants cannot get cavities, it’s essential to pay special attention to the gum line, where bacteria can accumulate and lead to an infection underneath the implant. If an infection does occur, prompt treatment is necessary to prevent its spread to the jawbone. Scheduling routine dental examinations and cleanings every six months will also help monitor the health of your mouth.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

If you are ready to find out if implants are right for you, the first step is to schedule your consultation with Signature Smile Dental in Riverside, California, today. Our friendly team is ready and eager to develop a plan that will give you a beautiful and natural-looking smile. You do not have to live with missing teeth. When you choose Signature Smile Dental, you will be on your way to experiencing renewed confidence with a fully restored smile. 

Dr. Geomel Bebing

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