Dental Implants

Why implants present the “standard” in tooth replacement and how you can benefit from them

At Signature Smiles Dental in Riverside, California, we are much more than a mere “provider” of distinctive dentistry. Led by Dr. Geomel Brian Bebing and Dr. Harun Ayouby, our team functions as “partners” with our patients and their families. We work with our patients throughout this oral health journey to preserve their natural teeth with highly personalized care built on our understanding of their evolving and unique needs. If we cannot protect the natural tooth, a range of treatments is available. Root canal therapy, for instance, has a high success rate of “saving” the natural tooth; however, implants may be appropriate for some patients with badly broken or deeply infected teeth.  

Why implants set the “standard”

Earlier-generation forms of tooth replacement restored the tooth portion that is visible in the smile: the crown. Conventional dentures also replicate the gummy structure, as both prosthetic teeth and artificial gums make up the denture. These options fill gaps in the smile; however, they are not designed like natural teeth. That is where implants come into play.  

The implant is a cylinder-shaped post or anchor. It is made to function as a tooth root. So, the replacement teeth are “rooted” in the jawbone by the implant. The process essentially involves:  

  • Accessing the treatment site during a short surgical procedure
  • Strategically placing the implant in the jawbone
  • Waiting for the implant to join or “osseointegrate” to the surrounding bone
  • Connecting the replacement tooth to the implant once the surgical site has healed and the bone has adequately integrated

Voila! With the implant stabilized in the jaw and functioning as a root to “hold” the artificial tooth in place, it is not going anywhere! Patients generally enjoy the most lifelike function, feel, and appearance from their implant-retained teeth. Since they are created like natural teeth, they should be cared for; there is no need to use special cleaning techniques or oral care products.  

Implants for many missing teeth

Dental implants are highly versatile. A single implant may be placed to support a single new tooth. Or, as few as four implants may be used to retain a denture. Our dentists at Signature Smiles Dental have both training in complex surgical techniques and modern technologies to support state-of-the-art treatment. We can precisely pinpoint the best sites to place your implants for maximum benefit with advanced diagnostics and treatment tools. In this manner, the fewest implants can be applied to provide full support to most teeth in the upper or lower arches (jaws). These All on X systems are great for our patients because: 

  • They don’t have to get an implant for every missing tooth, which adds considerably to the total cost of treatment.
  • If an implant were needed to support each tooth when patients are missing a mouthful of teeth, this would also add considerably to treatment time and trauma at multiple surgical sites.
  • Fewer demands are placed on the body for healing, and less natural tissue is altered, making for much more conservative treatment.

Additionally, due to our practice’s capabilities, patients with bone loss may still be good candidates for dental implant-retained teeth. Why? We offer bone grafting and other complex surgical techniques to build up bony tissue at the treatment site. Adequate bone helps to support osseointegration. When the bone and implant join naturally and appropriately, the overlying teeth can be properly supported in the jaw over the long term. The ability to keep the supporting bone strong is also a benefit of implant-retained teeth. The forces from chewing and other essential functions are transferred from the teeth to the jawbone through the interconnected implant. This stimulation keeps the bone strong. After all, like with your muscles if you “don’t use it, you lose it!” The same concept applies to the bone in your jaw. Implants prevent bone loss.  

Let’s get your comfortable, confident smile back! Call us today at (951) 450-0258 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Bebing or Dr. Ayouby.
